8 min read

How We Created A Truly Flat Organization

Every organization's hierarchy will look a little different, but what if there wasn't one? A flat setup works for us and might for you too.
Written by
Jonathan Mitchell
Published on
January 13, 2025

There are a variety of ways to garner the trust of coworkers and having open lines of communication is one such strategy that is vital when building an efficient team. Communication is a two way process, and allowing for unfiltered access maximizes productivity. Understanding the multi-dimensionality of an organization’s goals and obstacles enables creative solutioning, and having that innate knowledge is facilitated by consistent interaction amongst team members.

Staying engaged in a remote work environment

There’s been a shift in the number of companies moving into remote work environments due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and with such a substantial change comes unique, newfound challenges. One such difficulty is keeping coworkers involved with one another and their work when they no longer see each other on a daily basis. At thinkbridge, an integral part in creating an optimal work environment is to emphasize togetherness and community. We consistently send out surveys seeking the opinion of team members on how to improve company culture, and considering the breakneck speed of the tech space’s growth and innovation, it’s important to regularly check in so that stagnation can be avoided. Think’ers are also regularly exposed to new experiences that offer opportunities for personal and professional growth, which is another avenue for engagement that can be facilitated while working remotely.

Using gratitude to inspire creativity

Competition means constant improvement is necessary, and creativity is a big part of staying ahead. However, necessitating inspiration without showing appreciation can lead to disgruntled teammates. thinkbridge created an environment where everyone pulls their weight and is rewarded for delivering on promises made. Acknowledgements of personal high points like birthdays, work anniversaries, and new hires joining the team incites interaction between coworkers and keeps morale high. Being grateful to coworkers, and taking the time to communicate appreciation, while solving complex problems is part of constructing an atmosphere where positivity reinforces effort. We work hard, but we also make sure that work doesn’t go unnoticed.

Our take on the importance of communication

Prioritizing a flat orientation with no hierarchy has truly benefited us as an organization, and to learn more about our work culture feel free to get in contact with one of our Think’ers, or check out our careers page where you can find positions perfectly suited for you. Deepa Mukerjee (deepa@thinkbridge.com), our Associate Director of Global Talent, can help answer any questions you may have regarding our culture and approach to communication.



Anand Krishnan

Managing Partner & CEO


Sai Ganesh

Managing Partner & Chief Scientist


Shamik Mitra

Managing Partner & Chief Delivery Officer

Andy K-img

Andy Komandur

Vice President-Growth

Andrew Zarkadas

Vice President - Growth Americas

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