8 min read

10 Reasons Why UI/UX Matters

You might think UX/UI is all about aesthetics, but there's more to it than that. These two points of interest fundamentally impact business.
Written by
Akshita Kohli
Published on
August 30, 2024

Businesses nowadays understand the immense value that digitization offers. Enterprises across the globe are increasingly engulfed in the limitless world wide web. Customers, too, are smitten with easy-to-use digital products. Because of this, user experience and user interfaces have become the talk of the town.

Forrester, a renowned global market research company, conducted a study and found that a great UI can scale overall conversion by about 200 percent. UX, on the other hand, can boost the same by a stellar 300 to 400 percent.

So, if you are keen on creating a promising digital solution, remember that it all starts with design. While design was primarily construed only as icing on the cake, it is now of paramount importance. This is primarily so because the dull, run-of-the-mill interfaces between human and machine are no longer appreciated. A new element of seamless and intuitive design is called for, especially to make a digital solution stand out. However, there are a couple of other reasons too, especially if you run a business. Mentioned below is an overview of those.

  1. User Satisfaction

An impressive UI/UX undoubtedly lends itself to a satisfactory experience with increased engagement. This ensures repeat usage along with positive word-of-mouth referrals. It is essential to mention here that a good UI/UX design is not just synonymous with aesthetics but also concerns functionality and the overall user experience. A designer must consider various factors such as business objectives, accessibility, user goals, and usability to create a robust UI/UX design. This undoubtedly demands a profound understanding of design principles, user behavior, and prevalent industry standards. A decent UI/UX can also help an enterprise achieve its goals by scaling overall user retention, improving conversions, and reducing support costs. Therefore, an efficient UI/UX design is essential, especially if you wish to create long-lasting and promising digital solutions.

  1. Increased Engagement

A feature-rich UI/UX can hold a user's attention who's compelled to remain engrossed in your product. Also, when a user stumbles upon a specific product, the UI/UX is the first dimension the user notices. Therefore, if the UI/UX is all cluttered and hard to use, then a user may abruptly abandon the product altogether. However, if the UI/UX is visually appealing and intuitive, users can engage and spend more time with the product. This reinforces the fact that investing in a high-quality UI/UX shall reap the benefits of greater retention and engagement, offering immense product growth.

  1. Increased Conversion

A pivotal role of a business website is to successfully bring about conversions, and thereby generate revenue. This is perhaps the most integral dimension to running a flourishing online business, and the essential factor that impacts conversions is the user experience of a website. UX refers to the entire experience that a user has while they interact with an app, product, or website. A great UX is therefore one that is visually appealing, easy to use, and offers a fulfilling experience to users. It is important to note that a user would be willing to complete a desired action such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase only if they are content and have had a positive experience. A great UX design can enhance the overall trust, confidence, and satisfaction of a user in a particular product or service. However, a poor or perplexing UX can impact conversion rates. This is why it's important to prioritize UX design in order to offer a positive UX experience to the end-user. This shall in turn improve the overall conversion rates.

  1. Competitive Advantage

Studies show that about 75% of individuals form their opinion about a company’s credibility based on the companies digital presence and the way its website looks. Another study by PwC found that 73% of customers consider their overall experience as the most crucial factor that influences their decision to purchase from a specific brand. Also, about 43% of the total users are willing to spend more money in order to enjoy a better experience. This implies that a well-designed UI/UX can offer a competitive advantage to an enterprise. It does so not just by enhancing the user satisfaction and building brand image but also by offering differentiation to the company. A unique and a compelling UI/UX can help a product stand out.

  1. Reduced Development Costs

There's no denying the fact that investing in UI/UX can consequently offer exceptional ROI. This is something that most companies are missing out on, but it sure isn't as complicated as it seems. An apropos statistic is of Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach by Roger Pressman that stated that fixing a problem in the development stage costs a whopping 10 times more than fixing the same issue in the design stage, and about 100 times more if you're trying to fix the problem in a product that is already released into the market. Therefore, a well-designed UI/UX shall primarily help streamline the end-to-end development process by offering clear guidance to the developers regarding the essential features and functionalities. This would whittle down the iterations and development cycles, and would in turn cut costs. Furthermore, it shall help reduce customer grievances by making their entire digital voyage easier and more visually appealing, and this enhances user engagement and retention to help scale the overall revenue and profits. Lastly, a well designed UI/UX can also help cut down on the need for extensive user testing and feedback cycles. So all businesses must take advantage of this opportunity and invest in a good UI/UX as it offers a plethora of benefits, one of the most pivotal ones being reduced development costs.

  1. Brand Loyalty

A haphazard design would undoubtedly influence customer loyalty. So to avoid that, businesses must ensure to build designs that offer a delightful experience to their online customers. UI/UX are two aspects that play a significant role in building brand loyalty by ensuring the user has a positive experience while interacting with the brand. Google, Starbucks, and Netflix are a few eminent names that have tapped into the true potential of UI/UX to develop a uniform and strategic design, thereby offering a particular kind of experience to their users.

Consistency, personalization, and brand storytelling are also extremely important as it helps users develop a sense of familiarity with the brand that they are then able to recognize across different platforms. Furthermore, a well designed UI/UX can elicit positive emotions in users, thereby connecting them with the brand. This emotional connection may be developed through the application of various visual elements, language, and tone.

  1. Accessibility

Accessibility refers to the concept of whether a product or service can be used by everyone, and whether all users have a uniform user experience, irrespective of how they encounter it. A great user experience is therefore an amalgamation of usability, graphic design, and accessibility. So, when enterprises develop designs for all ability levels, they create products that anybody and everybody could enjoy and make use of. Accessibility is therefore a critical factor that influences design, and has a great impact on the overall user experience. A 2011 report by the World Health Organization that dealt with disability found that designers would exclude about 15% of the Earth's overall population if they don't make their designs accessible. Accessible designs help brands build a robust image while also tapping into a larger population. Furthermore, this enhances the overall user engagement and satisfaction, which helps build brand loyalty.

  1. Better Decision Making

UI/UX professionals are ideally responsible for creating context within which a user's decision making process takes place. If a design has a significant impact on the decision outcomes and those outcomes in turn impact the bottom line of an organization, then the work of a UI/UX designers takes on a whole different dimension of critical business decision making. Decision architecture is the art and science of designing websites that ensure favourable decision making by users, and this role is primarily undertaken by a UI/UX designer. An intuitive UI/UX can also have a significant impact on the overall quality and accuracy of data analytics. This is because a well designed UI/UX can help users navigate a website or application easily. This then leads to the accumulation of accurate data with a clear understanding of user behavior and patterns. Also, if the UI/UX is well designed, then the user need not scout around for what their looking for, which helps them accomplish their tasks more efficiently.

  1. Faster Development

Good UI/UX can help cut down the need for repeated redesigns and development changes, and this in turn warrants a faster, hassle-free website development process. Statistics by Tandfonline state that it takes only about 50 milliseconds (that is 0.05 seconds) for users to form an opinion about a website, and this determines whether or not they would stay on it. So having said that, an intuitive and easy-to-use UI/UX plays a significant role as it helps whittle down numerous iterations. This helps lessen the amount of time and resources necessary, and ensures a faster, more seamless development process.

  1. Innovation

Abraham Lincoln rightly said that “the best way to predict the future is to create it” and that's what deft UI/UX engineers do. They keep creating new interfaces and experiences that are more intuitive and engaging. They do so by taking into consideration various needs and pain points of users, endeavoring to build upon new features and functionalities that enhance the overall user experience. Furthermore, good UI/UX can also offer a broader window for innovation by offering detailed insights to the designers in regards to how the users interact with a product. For example, designers may identify trends in user patterns or behaviors that can be leveraged to build an array of new features or functionalities. This may also help address any unmet user expectations by way of innovation.

And well, that is it from our side. We hope we were able to cover the gamut of benefits that a great UI/UX offers. However, should you have any doubts regarding this or want to know more, reach out to us at hello@thinkbridge.com, and we would be happy to assist you.


Anand Krishnan

Managing Partner & CEO

Shamik Mitra

Managing Partner & Chief Delivery Officer

Andrew Zarkadas

Vice President - Growth Americas

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